Use for every greenhouse and crop-G3

Use for every greenhouse and crop-G3

Lightera LED toplighting combined with dedicated light recipes, open up new opportunities for every greenhouse grower to increase their quality and yields and move to year-round production. Toplight-G3 offers light output levels typically ranging from 800-1600  μmol/s at a very high efficiency reaching 2.5-3.0 μmol /J. It offers growers unique advantages as a direct replacement for traditional lighting systems or as an energy-efficient supplement.

By replacing traditional HID lights, Lightera G3 grow lights can significantly reduce energy demand,produce high quality plants, and increase crop yields in commercial indoor and greenhouse operations,

Long lifetime of 50,000 hours While conventional HPS lamps usually need to be replaced after 10,000 hours,LEDs still emit at least 90% of their output after 50,000 hours and can last up to five times longer than conventional HPS light sources

Lightera G3 grow lights

Toplighting-G3 successfully helped farmers in Holland harvest a blackberry greenhouse with the help of our technicians,

Lightera G3 grow lights