Special effect projectors open the market of “Night Tour”

Special effect projectors open the market of “Night Tour”

In addition to basic lighting, a scenic spot also needs to do basic operations on atmosphere lighting. Cultural tourism lighting projection can allow the scenic spot to open the “night tour” market smoothly. Managers of scenic spot can take these forms into consideration, water pattern with static pattern projection, water pattern with dynamic swimming fish projection, Interactive projection of swimming fish combined with water waves. Let us see the characteristics of these 3 methods.

Water wave with static pattern projection

Water wave with static pattern projection can create a brightened landscape of the scenic spot.  This projection method is suitable for publicizing the cultural atmosphere of the scenic area and enhancing the cultural publicity. Giant’s water wave effect projector is suitable for large-scale 3A scenic spots. The scenic spot itself has corresponding high-quality traffic, and it is suitable for the case of brightening projection to guide the scenic spot to do a good job of publicity.

Water pattern with dynamic fish projection

The water pattern lamp with the dynamic swimming fish are combined and projected to create a brightened scenery line in the scenic area. The dynamic swimming fish projection forms a 3D visual effect. The use of this lighting projection method can enhance the fun of the scenic area. This type of lighting The projection method is suitable for use when the traffic in the scenic spot itself is not good, and the night tour market in the scenic spot is relatively dim.

Interactive projection of swimming fish combined with water waves

Compared with the above two brightening projection methods, the cost of interactive projection has increased. Interactive fish water wave projection can effectively improve the fun and taste of the scenic spot, and can greatly improve the profitability of the night tour market in the scenic spot. It will be able to open the parent-child travel market in the scenic spot and make the “night tour” market in the scenic spot more prosperous.

In conclusion, which type of led water wave projector to choose depends on the number of people in the scenic spot, the characteristics of the scenic atmosphere, the size of the scenic spot, etc. We need to admit that special effect projectors play an important role in bringing profits to scenic spot.