One Of The Components Of The Fiber Optic Light Is The Light Engine
The light engine is used to provide light source for fiber optic, mainly used in fiber optic chandelier to provide high brightness light source.
It can be divided into LED light engine and metal halide light engine. LED light engine is aimed at different purposes,The power range is from 1W to 150W,It plays a role in different lighting products.
In terms of control methods, sound control, DMX control, mobile control, wifi control, and RF control can all be realized through the LED light engine. We also provide some color wheels, you can get some special effects, such as twinkling stars, shooting stars and so on.
We specialize in customizing fiber optic lights, and equip suitable light engines for fiber optic chandeliers or fiber optic star ceiling lights. If you have needs for fiber optic lights or light engines, we can help you.